• 53 Videos

  • 9 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 71 Files

  • Lewis Dot Structures

  • VSEPR Theory Bond Angles and Bond Lengths

  • Mon Sept 12 Molecular Orbital Theory

  • Mon Sept 12 Resonance

  • Wed Sept 14 Linear Alkanes

  • Fri Sept 14 Newman Projections

  • Mon Sept 19 Cycloalkanes

  • Wednesday Sept 21 Bronsted/Lowry Acid Base Chemistry (Part 1)

  • Friday Sept 23 Acid and Base Chemistry (Part 2)

  • Monday Sept 26 Lewis Acid and Base Chemistry (Part 3)


  • Wed Sept 28 Alkenes Part 1: Nomenclature

  • Fri Sept 30 Alkenes Part 2: Relative Stability

  • Wed Oct 5 Alkene Addition with H-X

  • Fri Oct 7 Carbon Chiral Centers (part 1)

  • Mon Oct 10 Stereoisomers (part 2)

  • Mon Oct 10 Stereochemistry Practice Problems (Part 3)

  • Wed Oct 12 SN1 Substitution Reactions

  • Friday Oct 13 SN2 Substitution Reactions

  • Friday Oct 13 SN1 & SN2 Substitution Practice Problems

  • Mon Oct 17 E2 Elimination Reaction Intro

  • Mon Oct 17 E2 vs. SN2 reaction comparison

  • Wed Oct 19 E2 Anti Coplanar Practice Problems (12 min)

  • Wed Oct 19 E1 Elimination Reaction (28 min)

  • Fri Oct 21 Solvent Effects (24 min)

  • Fri Oct 21 Carbocation Rearrangements (14 min)

  • Mon Oct 24 Radical Halogenation

  • Mon Oct 24 Synthesis of Ethers and alkynes


  • Wed Oct 26 Hydration of Alkenes

  • Wed Oct 26 Hydrogenation of Alkenes

  • Mon Oct 31 X2 Addition to Alkenes

  • Mon Oct 31 X2 and Water Addition to Alkenes

  • Wed Nov 2 Radical Addition to Alkenes

  • Wed Nov 2 Oxymercuration/demurcuration (alkenes to alcohols)

  • Fri Nov 4 Hydroboration (alkenes to alcohols)

  • Fri Nov 4 Ozonolysis (alkene to carbonyl containing compounds)

  • Mon Nov 7 Alcohol to Alkyl Halide (SN1 review)

  • Mon Nov 7 Converting alcohols to Leaving Groups

  • Wed Nov 9 Oxidation of alcohols

  • Wed Nov 9 Thioether Synthesis

  • Fri Nov 11 Multistep Synthesis and Retrosynthetic Analysis

  • Fri Nov 11 Epoxides Part 1: Synthesis and reactions

  • Mon Nov 14 Epoxides Part 2: Intramolecular Reactions

  • Mon Nov 14 Carbon Nucleophiles with epoxides

  • Wed Nov 16 Organometallic Reagents

  • Wed Nov 16 Synthesis and Cleavage of Glycols


  • Fri Nov 18 Cyclopropanation

  • Mon Nov 28 Alkyne Acidity

  • Wed Nov 30 Hydrogenation Lindlar Catalyst Alkyne to cis alkene

  • Fri Dec 2 Dissolving Metal Reduction

  • Mon Dec 5 HX Addition to Alkynes

  • Wed Dec 7 Hydration of Alkynes

  • Fri Dec 9 Conjugated Dienes and Aromaticity intro

  • Mon Dec 12 Diels Alder Reaction